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Single Parenting: Surviving Sadness to Finding Silver Linings

  It’s funny how things work themselves out in life. It’s been about two years now since I’ve been truly living the single parent life. How I would love to talk to myself back then…I would have some words of wisdom. I believe that I struggled with a common obstacle many parents do at that point in the journey. Two years ago, I was stuck . I was stuck in a never-ending cycle of sadness when my three kids, Kayden, Rose, and Nari, were with their mom. Truly, I believed that is what you’re supposed to feel. Sadness that your kids are not with you. Over the past two years, a new clarity has come and I’d like to share it with all of my faithful and loyal readers…all 8 of you (that may be erroring on the high side). Dearest Gentle Reader… no that’s not right. Four score and seven years ago…hum. It was a dark and stormy night…nope. Okay, I’ll just be original. I left off with the statement that 2 years ago, I was stuck. Like stuck stuck. In the mud stuck. Frozen in ice, feet in concrete, drown
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Pass the Baton - A Place of Peace

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I Feel Like Indiana Jones, You're the Treasure I've Been Seeking...(corny pick up line)

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What Comes After Rock Bottom? Up.

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Won't Wait to be Happy

*heavy sigh... here we go again... Over the past 18 months, it seems that the ADHD hyper fixation on hobbies has been in full force. I have learned to make balloon animals, pick locks, diamond art, semi-pro coloring, building mechanical keyboards, sewing, 3D printing, handmade popup cards, iron on vinyl t-shirts, vinyl stickers, etc. It makes perfect sense to come full circle and get back to blogging. Life has a knack for tossing lemons at us which leaves me tempted to just pucker up instead of embracing a sweet lemonade. The cynic in me screams, "hey...what about the water, juicer, and sugar? Do you expect me to use my hand to stir it?" I even go as far as wondering why someone would just give me free lemons...what strings are attached? So I digress... already. However, I recently heard a quote that I really like and it goes, " you can't wait until life isn't hard anymore before you decide to be happy ." These words smacked me across the face. As some know,

Oh Elon, You're on to Something Good...

Some fun parks around the area  It has been some time since I last published anything on my blog. I think it comes down to different priorities. I have always been one to journal as a way to process the things happening around me. I definitely was better at doing it on a regular basis earlier this year. To catch everyone, my loyal 6 readers, up on the past 4 years of life...have a family of 3 children, left the classroom to become an assistant principal, became a principal, moved from hobby to hobby and skipped around on different projects.  I was interviewing someone for a teaching position today. This was an individual I had already worked with and knew extensively. This interviewee had already been asked all the questions we use...and reuse. So being the impulsive person that I am, I prefaced my final question with..."I just want to try something out...I want to ask you a question and I don't know how it will even go, but do you know who Elon Musk is?" She responded wi

Gun Control Q&A

In the wake of the tragic events in Las Vegas, I decided to sit down and write out my beliefs and thoughts on guns and the laws that surround them. If you know anything about me, you know that I enjoy guns and the gun culture. As an adult, competitive shooting, recreational shooting, collecting guns, and reloading have become a hobby. Strange enough, I grew up in a house that only had one functional firearm. It was a Winchester 1906 pump action .22LR rifle that belonged to my father's father. It has since been handed down to me and one day I will pass it on to my son. I couldn't tell you why I was so fascinated with the military or firearms in general as a child growing up. Later in life, my mom told me that my parents had decided to not purchase toy guns for me. But they found that I would make them out of empty toilet paper rolls, Legos, sticks, or just with whatever I could get my hands on. I remember playing "Army War" on the playground with my friends. As I gre