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Showing posts from 2022

Oh Elon, You're on to Something Good...

Some fun parks around the area  It has been some time since I last published anything on my blog. I think it comes down to different priorities. I have always been one to journal as a way to process the things happening around me. I definitely was better at doing it on a regular basis earlier this year. To catch everyone, my loyal 6 readers, up on the past 4 years of life...have a family of 3 children, left the classroom to become an assistant principal, became a principal, moved from hobby to hobby and skipped around on different projects.  I was interviewing someone for a teaching position today. This was an individual I had already worked with and knew extensively. This interviewee had already been asked all the questions we use...and reuse. So being the impulsive person that I am, I prefaced my final question with..."I just want to try something out...I want to ask you a question and I don't know how it will even go, but do you know who Elon Musk is?" She responded wi...