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Parenting is HARD...

Baby Nari Nancy Hunsaker (25 week)'s hard. Not that I expected anything less, but at times (or a lot of the times) I find myself at wits end. I figured my blog would be a good place to voice my opinion since it is MY blog. I will be the one that writes down those embarrassing, hilarious, horrifying, and disgusting moments. Too often, I find parenting blogs so over the top. Who seriously has the time to do half the crap that I read about on Pinterest. Oh man, I just admitted I am on Pinterest. Scratch that.

The latest challenge/failure has been my cooking. Suzie and I have our schedules set up to minimize day care costs. In the summer, the kids do not have to be in day care at all. The days Suzie is at work, I'm at home alone with the kids. Before you call CPS, just children have died...yet.

Looks about right...
As a forethought, I do believe I have done this whole "parenting" thing backwards. Being a "step-parent" is really tough as well. The kids have accepted (or so I would like to think) as an authoritative figure in the house finally. Granted, in the famous words of Denzel Washington from Training Day, "King Kong ain't got sh*t on me" when it comes to discipline. Again, please don't call CPS, no child has died. Back on topic, I came into their kids' lives after the major diaper stage. There were the trainers and pull-ups. With Rose, I could always say, "yeah, I need to go home right now..." before an imminent diaper change. With a baby on the way, my confidence in parenting has been shaken. 

Oh yes, by the way, Suzie and I are expecting a little girl on October 14th, 2016. Her name will be Nari (Nar-ee) Nancy Hunsaker. I guess I'll take the time to explain the name. Nari is Korean for "lily flower." Suzie's real name is Azucena, which is Spanish for "lily flower." Suzie's first daughter, Rose, is a four letter flower name same as Nari. Rose's middle name is Maria after Suzie's mother. Nari will have a middle name after my mother Nancy. Yes, that's a lot of significance in a name, but it was well thought out. 

Back on topic...picky eaters. I guess it goes in cycles. At first it was Kayden. He would only eat chicken nuggets and spaghetti. Rose was a garbage disposal. You could feed her anything and she would just destroy it. Now it has flipped. But as of late, to be more specific, the last two days, have been terrible with Kayden. Yesterday, I made pork chops pan fried in butter, garlic, and a few seasonings. Kayden chewed a single piece of meat for 30 minutes. When Suzie got home from work, he fessed up that he didn't like it. I tried to rationalize why you'd keep a single bite in your mouth for 30 minutes, but gave up quickly. Tonight I made teriyaki shish kebabs and coconut rice. Kayden started out strong by saying, "yummy." He also criticized his sister for saying she didn't like something that she hadn't tried yet. To make a boring story short, he didn't like it either. I refuse to have chicken nuggets four times a week and hot dogs the other three.

I guess that's about all I have for today...I will try to keep this updated a little more often.


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