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Letting Go

"Let it go, let it go, you can't hold me back anymore..." I've heard those words in tune (I dare you to read them without singing it in your head) many times. Before I begin the main portion of my blog tonight, I figured I'd update my faithful five readers in what is currently happening in the Hunsaker house.

1. We got a puppy. Ugh, what was I thinking?! I know the five of you have questions, so let me shotgun those questions: Yes, the kids did beg. No, I did not give into the begging. Yes, the wife asked and yes, I gave in to her reasoning. Yes, it is a golden retriever that is papered. No, I did not get ripped off. No, I do not regret getting her, but at times I would love to give her away. Yes, she is a girl and her name is Ellie. I have no idea where the name came from. Suzie came home one day with an engraved name tag with the name "Ellie" on it and said, "when we get a dog, her name will be Ellie." Ellie is currently 10 weeks. She does okay with her training and loves the kids. Her favorite buddy guessed it...NARI! I find Ellie underneath Nari's walker while Nari is trying to walk around constantly.

2. Kayden and Rose: Kayden and Rose continue to be a big help around the house. Suzie works weekends, which leaves me to tend to the kids and the new puppy...alone. Who would have thought an adult would trust me with three kids and a dog at the same time, without supervision?! Kayden, is currently having a blast this summer with all his friends he made in the 1st grade. He will be continuing his education at Westside Elementary in the 2nd grade next year. He plans on living in New York City to become Spiderman. Who am I to crush his dreams? He is currently doing flag football with the YMCA and seems to be liking it. He did soccer previously, but wanted to try another sport. Rose finished up two weeks of daily ballet class and LOVED it. We plan to enroll her in the weekly classes in the fall. Rose has all the sass in the world. She knows everything and constantly says, "aren't you happy I told you that?" I have a feeling that every gray hair I currently have on my head is because of her. She is so...knowledgeable. Who know parenting consisted of watching a 4 year old take 45 minutes to eat a bowl of cereal, complain that she is still tired, but have so much to say and question at the table.
We went to Lagoon several weeks ago while on a family trip in Utah. Kayden was so excited that he could ride all the "big" rides. I don't know who was more excited...Suzie or Kayden. Suzie was happy to finally have someone to ride the roller coasters. Poor me, I die a little inside due to motion sickness. A year ago, Suzie and I went for fun and I got sick after just a few rides. We ended the day pretty quick.

3. Nari. Oh Nari...she is just past the 9 month mark and is on the move. Seriously. She pulls her self up without the assistance of something or someone. She throws fits at times when she doesn't get her wait. Last fit was this morning when Suzie took something away from her that she wanted and Nari just laid back and screamed. We just cleared out and let it happen. Nari skipped baby food altogether. She mainly used it as a personal spa material to coat her face, hands, arms, and hair with. She must know something we don't. She sure enjoyed that. She loves fruit, especially watermelon. We sure get a kick when she bites into a lemon. If she is in a decent mood, she LOVES her walker. Kayden, Rose, and even Ellie run and hide and Nari chases them and screams when she "finds" them. The kids and puppy run to the other side of the house and hide and the game starts all over again. I figured with six baby gates, the house would be baby proof, but NOPE! I still need to install the cupboard and drawer locks. When Nari stands up, Suzie said it best with, "she looks like a little teddy bear that's standing. She's still not walking, but any day now. She is so close.

Now back to the main topic of "Letting Go." I'm not talking about old grudges or wrong doings. Frankly, I can't remember what I had to eat last week, let alone a fight we may or may not have had a year ago. No, I don't owe you any money. 

Someone once told me that holding a grudge and keeping negative emotions in did me more harm that good. I used to think, nah, anger gives me power and strength. Every time I think of that now, I think of how foolish and childish that mentality really was. Despite my title of my post tonight, that's not what I really want to write about. I was more thinking of the little things and letting those go. In the end of my life, will it matter if Rose finishes all of her food? Will it matter that Kayden left a Lego out (unless Nari or Ellie choke and die on it). Will it matter that I left a plate in the sink? Will it matter that we are a few minutes late? My dad had a motto of "don't sweat the small stuff." It is a phrase I wish I could live by. I do sweat the small stuff...and can't seem to let those little things go. Tonight, I'm setting a goal for tomorrow. A goal that isn't written down is just a I'm writing it down and publishing for all five of my readers to read.

"I, Mark Hunsaker, will not sweat the small stuff. I will not be quick to anger, or quick to frustration. I will...I need to...I will count to ten and remember...'don't sweat the small stuff.'"

There world, it's in ink. It's written for anyone to see. Tomorrow being July 18th. I spend so much of my day stressing about the small stuff. I need to spend more of my energy in the present rather than worrying so much about the IFs and ORs. 

Tomorrow, the kids are rocking a lemonade stand at 4PM in front of our house on Lowell. Stop by for some conversation with...ME...and a glass of freshly squeezed lemonade (none of that Country Time stuff). It's $0.50/glass...or free. I don't care. Drop a handful of pennies in the jar and my kids will think they are RICH! Please don't leave me drinking 5 gallons of lemonade myself.


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