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Where Am I Going?

I swear I spend the majority of my time thinking of what will the title be and how will I start writing? I still can't believe people want to read this...

If you were unaware, I am just about done with my Master's degree in Education Administration. The degree would allow me to become a principal. A few years ago, I had run out of excuses. Why shouldn't I go back and get a higher degree? Seemed like a perfectly logical thing to do after a few years of teaching. The first obstacle was the GRE. I hadn't taken a standardized test in a few years but was ready. I went to Barnes and Noble and purchased the official ETA Study Guide for the GRE (the new and improved). Ha! What a joke. I think I opened the book once. If you know of anyone needing to study for the GRE or would like a fancy book on their shelf, just let me know.

I'm not going to lie, I fell asleep during the writing portion of the test. I had stayed up late "studying" for the test, oh I mean I was probably playing Nazi Zombies Call of Duty. I rushed through the first essay question after wiping up my drool. I made it on to the second and final essay question and was able to calm down and spend more time. Needless to say, I started saving up my pennies again to retake the test. To my utter surprise, I passed all four sections and was accepted to Idaho State University's graduate program.

Me going FORWARD
Me beating a student (for a bag of pretzel M&Ms) in a 100 yard race.
That right there is a face of a winner!
Three years later, I have finished all the course work. The only things that remain are 40 more hours of internship at the middle school level and my case study. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Many have asked, why do you want to become a principal. Well, again, in the spirit of openness and honesty, the money. I would receive almost a 100% raise. Wouldn't that be nice? Side note, did you know that after 7 years of teaching experience, I make about what I made my very first year? Sure, the state has given me a 1% raise over the last several years, but what they don't mention is the 20% cut I received after my second year. Maybe by my 15th year, I'll be breaking even again.

Did I sound bitter? I really am not. I love teaching, I just don't want to do it for free.

I plan on staying in Idaho, despite great opposition from Suzie. She said (and I quote), "I hate snow." Hmmm...wrong state. BUT, when I finish, there will be the option of moving to another state. If I had the choice, I don't even know where I would go. I do love Oregon, but the cost of living is quite a bit higher than Idaho. How can you not love Idaho...potatoes, open air, cheap land, potatoes, all 4 seasons in a single day, Big Judd's, potatoes, fishing, camping, hiking, potatoes, and so much more.

Back to my original topic, I don't know where I am going at this moment. Forward. Forward in my education, forward in my personal life, forward in my relationship with Suzie and the kids. So where am I going? Who knows. All I know is that I'm going forward with people I love and adore.


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